History of Quesadilla


The earliest form of quesadillas are mentioned in a 16th century Italian cookbook and described as somewhat of an ancient fried Pop Tart, or empanadas. They were filled with ingredients and made so the snack would be portable. When the Spanish conquistadors arrived in Mexico, the wheat in the dough was substituted for the available corn masa. 

As the popularity of quesadillas spread, they were adapted based on regional availability of ingredients. For example, in the north where wheat grows and dairy farms operate, quesadillas are made with flour tortillas and filled with cheese. Meanwhile, in cow-scarce areas like Mexico City, cheese is not an assumed ingredient in quesadillas (you must ask for it), but it’s not uncommon to find beautiful ingredients like squash blossoms, peppers and mushrooms in the average quesadilla. In certain areas in Mexico, such as Veracruz, they still use the word empanadas over quesadillas.

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